
Cross stitch / Embroidery

Cross stitch / Embroidery (16)

wtorek, 01 luty 2022 11:04

FB Memory 2018

Welcome on February 1-st!

poniedziałek, 13 grudzień 2021 18:42

13 December

So.. 11 November is Independence Day of Poland.

czwartek, 18 listopad 2021 18:29

Independence Day of Poland

So.. 11 November is Independence Day of Poland.

niedziela, 06 czerwiec 2021 16:19

Stitch Maynia – Summary

It’s already the week of June and I still haven’t summarized my plans

wtorek, 18 maj 2021 21:43

WIP (Stitch May-Nia 2021)

Yes, this is the second year when I spend most of May on cross-stitch

niedziela, 02 sierpień 2020 11:48

Little pocket with little heart

Hello everybody! Sunday morning …

niedziela, 19 lipiec 2020 20:55

Whole quilt?

Hello everybody! Sunday morning …

środa, 01 lipiec 2020 17:47

Another month – July

Another month has begun. Warm weather – good, feeling – 50/50...

piątek, 19 czerwiec 2020 16:12

Modern Lavender Flower

Hello everyone! Couple weeks ago I started my first own cross stitch pattern.

środa, 27 maj 2020 14:40

Stitch Maynia update and more

A few weeks ago I started cross stitching.

About Me

I’m Margaret: painter, quilt artist and patterns designer.



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FRIWITCH Margaret Lehmann


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85 Great Portland Street, W1W 7LT London